Today I mourn the loss of my ability to enjoy amusement rides. Not sure if it's hormones or old age, but over the last few years I have been experiencing more and more nausea when I go on amusement rides. Yes that's right...I feel like I'm going to puke. I was crazy for any ride that came my way for most of my life, but now...not so much. For a while it was only on spinning rides but little by little it has grown to include most rides, including roller coasters.

The other day we made our first trip of the year to Oaks Park here in Portland - it's a great old-school amusement park with lots of vintage character mixed with some new cheesiness. I started taking my son there as soon as he could walk and we rejoiced the day when he was tall enough to go on the big rides with me. I love being the Mom that goes on all the rides with my kid while all the wimpy Moms sit on the bench and watch. Well, on Tuesday, July 8th, 2008 I became a wimpy bench sitter. Almost every ride I went on made me feel sick. Denial forced me to continue to go on several rides, trying to convince myself that I could handle it. Urgh. Not good.
Tell me ladies out I alone in this? Is it common? Is there hope for me? Help!

On a positive note, I had a great time roller skating at Oaks Park Roller Rink and ate a yummy snow cone at Sellwood Park afterwards. Although roller skating did make my hip hurt ;)

Ugh. I've been getting sick on spinny rides AND roller coasters since I was 18 so I feel your pain. The worst thing is that you feel like a jerk and scaredy-cat for not going but you really really do get sick! But that's what Skee Ball is for!
I used to be able to go on any ride, except for the spinny rotor one that you stick to the wall - i got sick on that one when I was 8. But in my late 20's it was all over for me. Now, I get sick on anything except the old timey rollar coasters. I can't figure it out either.
I am 33 and have 2 children. I have found that since the birth of my kids I can't go on rides and roller coasters like I used to. I used to go on all kinds of roller coasters but not anymore, I get sick even on a merry go round! One time I had to tell the operator of a tiny tea cup ride at John's Incredible Pizza to let me off because I was going to be sick! I googled "getting sick on amusement park rides" and found this blog because I am preparing for my family vacation to Disneyland.
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