Torie and I have been feverishly working on this event since early Summer and it's finally upon us!
The Crafty Wonderland Super Colossal Holiday Sale!
Sunday, December 14th, 2008
from 11am - 7pm
at The Oregon Convention Center
777 NE Martin Luther King Blvd
in Portland
details and a full vendor list can be found at:
While I know I am a bit biased, I have to say that I am super, duper excited for this big sale! We have pulled out all the stops and have a mind blowing assortment of the best artists and crafters from the Northwest and beyond! I could start naming names but it would take way to long to list all my favorites - you'll just have to go check out the list of 180+ vendors for yourself. Amazing!
We will be giving out free goodie bags to the first 200 shoppers through the doors. Trust me when I say that these bags are going to be FULL of pure awesome that has been donated by local businesses, sponsors and vendors. We also have our friends from DIY Lounge, Collage, The IPRC and Paper Zone on hand teaching fun DIY projects to our shoppers. And don't forget to visit with the folks from Hello Craft on your way out - they are coming all the way from DC to conduct post-shopping interviews. Just stop by the info. table and tell them what you bought as you are leaving the sale and they will post it on their website! It's a great way to show off your fabulous purchases and help promote your favorite vendors!
If any of you attended last year's Super Colossal Sale you witnessed first hand the insane crowds that filled the Norse Hall all day long. We reached capacity within the first 10 minutes and had to monitor the door for the rest of the day - only letting people in as others left. We knew right away that we needed to upgrade to a bigger space and the Convention Center was the next step. At first we were a little turned off by the thought of having our quaint event at such a big corporate seeming place...but after checking out the space and talking with the incredibly nice people there, we realized that it was perfect. We're talking 30,000 square feet of space where shoppers and vendors can spread out and have a happy and comfortable experience. And what an amazing day for the Portland craft community that the demand for handmade goods is so high that we need to move to such a big space! Yay Portland Craftsters!
I always try to stick to handmade and local gifts, but this year it is even more important to be aware of where your money is going! Support local business this holiday season! They really need you! Come on down to The Crafty Wonderland Super Colossal Holiday Sale for local handmade gift one-stop shopping!!!
(sorry if that sounds a little car salesman-y...but you really don't want to miss this!)