I was excited to create a piece that will be included in "Face Melting Double Attack" - a group show at Manette Gallery in NW Portland. All the juicy details are included in the above flyer. Check out the first Thursday opening reception this week. Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend but hope some of you will be there to represent.

Here is a sneak preview of the hand embroidered piece I did for the show. My inspiration was a cool vintage book from the 1940s that I unearthed while cleaning out my studio - it's called "A Boy Grows Up" and is a coming of age book meant to guide a young boy into manhood. The illustrations are hysterical and rather random. This particular illustration was taken from Chapter 5 which instructs a boy how to get along with his mother. I added my own twist by giving the unsuspecting young man some tattoos.

I am all about the fine details so the back of the piece is just as presentable as the front and has the title embroidered on it - "A Boy Grows Up - Chapter 5".
The instructions on the theme of the show were to use "emotion" to create your piece. I struggled with what to do but finally made a decision as my son was off at sleep-away camp for the first time and about to turn eleven years old. He is growing up so fast. I hope that someday he helps me move my heavy furniture.
I love this concept. I have been working on a similar one inspired by my 17 yr old daughter's impending adulthood. Perhaps I will put them all together into a "crazy" quilt and give it to her when she moves out.
Cathy - this is awesome!!! I loved seeing it in person. (It was bigger than I thought it would be.)
I am fascinated y vintage 'How To' books, so find your work of art so delightful! And thought provoking!
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